Saturday, February 19, 2011

2011.02.19 The Beginning

I'm a career military man who was dead set against this war from the start, but we're in it, and just like the kid in a tussle with the bully on the playground, we need to whup his ass and leave with honor.

If you don't agree, tell me.  If you agree, tell me. Civil discourse is one reason my children and yours are being put in harm's way.  At least we should use what they fight for.

My son's wife was sitting at the computer this evening "skyping" with her husband, my son, with one child on her lap and the other two standing, one on each side listening to Daddy.  Suddenly there was much noise, combat-territory language, commotion, and the the webcam was knocked off the computer monitor.  Nothing to be seen for a while. Not knowing where he was or if he was, our daughter-in-law could only pray. He came back on a little later.  Incoming makes for lousy phones calls home. And it's a hell of a way for the children to see what Daddy does at work.

More thoughts are coming. Hopefully very positive ones. I'm pretty soured on this BS tonight. So I'll sign off.

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